Frequently Asked Questions

Below are our frequently asked questions. Our friendly, dedicated staff is also available to answer your questions by phone, email, or in person.

Frequently Asked Questions

LivingWell offers exceptional value in healthcare today. Our generous dedication of time to each patient ensures that LivingWell provides outstanding care and value.

We do not file insurance claims directly. Patients may file their own claim if they have out of network benefits. Medicare and Medicaid do not allow you to seek reimbursement.
We  offer payment plans to make your visits to our office worry free.

We are committed to keeping your healthcare costs manageable, and offer multiple payment options to meet your healthcare needs. We offer the following payment options:

1. Pay as you go: Pay for each scheduled visit  when the visit occurs.

2. Pay in advance: Pay for a year’s worth of service at LivingWell and receive a discount.
3. Monthly payments: Pay for a years worth of service in monthly installments. 

Although Dr. Caldwell and Cheryl Middleton are both family practice trained, they encourage you to keep your primary care provider. They are happy to work together with your provider to get your health in the best possible place.

As it states in our name, LivingWell Integrative Healthcare is “integrative“ meaning that we incorporate the best parts of traditional medicine with individualized medicine. Therefore some of your medicines will be made specifically for you at a compounding pharmacy, while others may be purchased at a retail pharmacy.

As we age, our natural hormone levels decrease leading to significant health issues. Restoring hormone levels can reverse many of the effects of aging. Bio-Identical hormones have the same chemical structure as those made by the human body. Using Bio-Identical hormones safely restores health and vitality while avoiding many of the dangerous side-effects associated with commercially manufactured pharmaceuticals. Through careful analysis and cutting edge testing we are able to identify where you are hormone deficient and develop a treatment plan that best fits your goals and lifestyle.

Shortly after opening LivingWell in 2006, we realized that the body cannot be fully restored to balance without addressing all the major endocrine systems in our body. All of these systems intertwine like a well conducted orchestra. It’s beautifully harmonic when played together skillfully, but sounds horrible when even one small section is out of balance.  That is what happens in our body. The adrenal glands, that make the much needed hormone cortisol, can get over stimulated from acute stress, or fatigued from chronic stress. This imbalance of cortisol can effect thyroid conversion and/or “sex” hormone balance.  Thyroid hormone controls every cell in our body, so we want optimal conversion, however, low or imbalanced “sex” hormones can also throw off this process. That’s why it’s so important to address  all of these systems collectively.

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